Alessandro Russo

A new source of energy that will last for millions of years to come has been discovered in Finland

Alessandro Russo

A revolutionary discovery in Finland marks a change for the energy future. The heat geothermal will be exploited to produce ...

Addio al lavoro noioso dello diserbo grazie a questo trucco ingegnoso del giardiniere

Say goodbye to the boring work of weeding with this ingenious gardener’s trick

Alessandro Russo

Gravel paths, while offering an undeniable charm, are often subject to invasion by weeds . To solve this problem, geotextile ...

This simple gesture protects the olive trees from the cold and encourages their recovery in spring

Alessandro Russo

Protecting olive trees in winter is a crucial issue to ensure a plentiful harvest of olives. Simple gestures, such as ...

Birds Make Us Happier Than Money: A Surprising Scientific Study Finds

Alessandro Russo

A recent study published in Ecological Economics reveals that the presence of birds in our environment influences our well-being much ...

Questa batteria rivoluzionaria rompe tutti i record: 5.200 cicli al 100%, un grande passo avanti per l’energia del futuro

This revolutionary battery breaks all records: 5,200 cycles at 100%, a big step forward for the energy of the future

Alessandro Russo

An innovative aqueous flow organic battery redefines the standards of sustainable energy storage with an exceptional capacity of 5,200 cycles ...

Rose: l’errore fatale dopo la potatura che attira gli afidi (e come evitarlo sin da subito)

Roses: The Fatal Post-Pruning Mistake That Attracts Aphids (And How to Avoid It Right Away)

Alessandro Russo

The size of rose bushes, given its importance in this late winter, requires special attention to avoid infestations of aphids. ...

L’oceano più potente del mondo in pericolo: il preoccupante scioglimento dell’Antartide potrebbe stravolgere tutto

The world’s mightiest ocean in peril: Antarctica’s worrying melting could upend everything

Alessandro Russo

Antarctica, the planet’s true refrigerator, is melting at an alarming rate, threatening the Antarctic Circumpolar Current , which is essential ...

This Lidl garden sofa at a mini price is causing a stir: a must-have for welcoming spring in style

Alessandro Russo

The Lidl garden sofa at a mini price is a must-have for decorating your outdoor spaces in spring. With its ...

Il tuo gatto scompare per ore? Ecco finalmente cosa fa di nascosto!

Your cat disappears for hours? Here’s what he’s finally doing secretly!

Alessandro Russo

When your cat disappears for hours, it may seem alarming, but in reality it is a behavior rooted in its ...

The Secret Soda Trick: The Gardeners’ Trick for Plants That Bloom All Summer Long

Alessandro Russo

In the world of gardening, a unexpected use of soda emerges as an innovative and ecological solution. Thanks to its ...

Yellow leaf on an orchid? Simple gestures that can still save your plant!

Alessandro Russo

The yellowing of orchid leaves is often a sign of inadequate maintenance. The causes are varied, ranging from excess or ...

Piante a copertura del suolo senza manutenzione: 4 varietà ideali da piantare alla base dei tuoi alberi per un giardino impeccabile

Maintenance-Free Ground Cover Plants: 4 Ideal Varieties to Plant at the Base of Your Trees for a Flawless Garden

Alessandro Russo

In the search for an aesthetically pleasing garden with minimal impact, turfs are an ideal solution for the base of ...

La Cina rivoluziona l’energia con questa nuova tecnologia che promette un’elettricità inesauribile senza dipendere dal sole

China Revolutionizes Energy With This New Technology That Promises Inexhaustible Electricity Without Relying on the Sun

Alessandro Russo

China takes a leap forward in the energy sector thanks to an innovative one thermodynamic solar power plant. This revolutionary ...

Un prato denso e splendente: ecco il momento perfetto per seminare il tuo giardino e ottenere un risultato impeccabile

A dense and shiny lawn: here is the perfect time to sow your garden and obtain an impeccable result

Alessandro Russo

A thick, shiny lawn is a reflection of a well-kept garden. Seeding the lawn at this time is essential to ...

Accelera la raccolta e addolcisci il tuo rabarbaro con questa tecnica poco conosciuta ma ultra efficace

Speed ​​up harvest and sweeten your rhubarb with this little-known but ultra-effective technique

Alessandro Russo

Rhubarb, with its sour and creamyflavor, is a must for pies and compotes. Traditionally, it is harvested in April or ...

Perché il tuo gatto impazzisce dopo aver usato la lettiera? Un veterinario spiega questo comportamento intrigante

Why Does Your Cat Go Crazy After Using the Litter Box? A Vet Explains This Intriguing Behavior

Alessandro Russo

The behavior of cats after defecation often raises questions in their owners. This agitation post-prandial can be linked to a ...

Giardino colorato senza sforzo: questi arbusti fioriti non necessitano di irrigazione e abbelliscono il tuo esterno tutto l’anno

Effortless Colorful Garden: These flowering shrubs require no watering and will beautify your exterior all year round

Alessandro Russo

A garden that is colorful all year round is within everyone’s reach, even the busiest gardeners. Flowering shrubs such as ...

Glicine in fiori spettacolari: ecco il miglior metodo di potatura per un risultato mozzafiato

Wisteria in spectacular blooms: here is the best pruning method for a breathtaking result

Alessandro Russo

Wisteria , a spectacular climbing plant, requires essential pruning to ensure abundant flowering. Carried out twice a year, this operation ...

Trasformare l’umidità in acqua potabile: questa tecnologia rivoluzionaria potrebbe cambiare l’accesso all’acqua nel mondo

Turning moisture into drinkable water: This revolutionary technology could change access to water around the world

Alessandro Russo

Uravu Labs is pioneering a revolution in access to clean water by turning moisture from the air into precious liquid. ...

Prima tosatura dell’anno: questi errori comuni possono rovinare il tuo prato per tutta la stagione

First mowing of the year: These common mistakes can ruin your lawn for the entire season

Alessandro Russo

The first mowing of the year is a crucial time for the health of your lawn. By cutting early, you ...

Il limone per allontanare i ratti dal giardino? Un trucco che funziona rapidamente

Lemon to keep rats away from the garden? A trick that works quickly

Alessandro Russo

To combat rats in your garden, focus on the lemon, a natural remedy from property repellent thanks to its strong ...

Orchidee: questi errori da non commettere se vuoi ottenere fiori magnifici in primavera

Orchids: these mistakes not to be made if you want to get magnificent flowers in spring

Alessandro Russo

The orchids, plants renowned for their beauty and theirs elegance, require special care to flourish. Fragile by nature, they require ...

Scopri questa magnifica pianta che fiorisce senza interruzione tutto l’anno, e non è il geranio

Discover this magnificent plant that blooms continuously all year round, and it’s not the geranium

Alessandro Russo

Check this out magnificent plant which blooms without interruption all year round and which is not a geranium. Equipped with ...

Se non prendi misure ora, le limacce invaderanno il tuo giardino già dalla primavera

If you don’t take action now, slugs will invade your garden as early as spring.

Alessandro Russo

With a imminent invasion of snails, the protection of young plants becomes fundamental. Taking action directly affects the health of ...

Perché sempre più olandesi usano la vaselina in giardino d’inverno: un trucco sorprendente

Why more and more Dutch people are using Vaseline in the conservatory – an amazing trick

Alessandro Russo

More and more Dutch people are adopting the use of Vaseline in their gardens during the winter, discovering its surprising ...

Vivere circondati da uccelli potrebbe portare tanta felicità quanto avere molti soldi secondo questo studio

Living surrounded by birds could bring as much happiness as having a lot of money according to this study

Alessandro Russo

Living surrounded by birds can provide so much happiness as much as an increase in income, according to a recent ...

Due studi importanti concordano: la Terra entra in una nuova fase climatica preoccupante

Two important studies agree: the Earth is entering a worrying new climate phase

Alessandro Russo

Two important studies highlight that the Earth is entering a climatic phase worrying. With a global temperature that has exceeded ...

Un’intelligenza artificiale ti propone di conversare con le piante del tuo giardino, la rivoluzione verde è in arrivo!

An artificial intelligence suggests you talk to the plants in your garden, the green revolution is coming!

Alessandro Russo

An innovation revolutionary transforms gardening thanks to Avanade’s “Intelligent Garden”, presented at the Chelsea Flower Show 2025. This technology allows ...

Le vostre ortensie fioriranno magnificamente nel 2025 se incorporate questo elemento naturale nel loro terreno da adesso

Your hydrangeas will bloom beautifully in 2025 if you incorporate this natural element into their soil now

Alessandro Russo

To ensure a optimal flowering of your hydrangeas in 2025, meticulous care is essential. Winter preparation begins with the addition ...

Eliminare i rifiuti ai piedi degli alberi da frutto, un passo necessario per un raccolto abbondante

Eliminate waste at the foot of fruit trees, a necessary step for a bountiful harvest

Alessandro Russo

The management of sprouts at the base of fruit trees is of fundamental importance in ensuring a abundant harvest. In ...

Geologi si immergono nelle profondità del Pacifico e scoprono anomalie nelle onde sismiche

Geologists dive into the depths of the Pacific and discover anomalies in seismic waves

Alessandro Russo

Geologists have recently started one study delved into the depths of Pacific, revealing notable seismic anomalies that challenge our current ...

Come ottenere un prato denso e verde quest’estate grazie a semplici ed efficaci gesti da fare sin da ora

How to get a dense and green lawn this summer thanks to simple and effective steps you can take now

Alessandro Russo

Get a lawn thick And verdant this summer requires one preparation accurate and appropriate gestures. The key to success lies ...

Questo semplice gesto da fare prima dell’arrivo della primavera prepara il tuo giardino a raccolti abbondanti

This simple gesture to do before the arrival of spring prepares your garden for abundant harvests

Alessandro Russo

With the arrival of spring, aerating the soil is a crucial step in ensuring abundant harvests. Using tools such as ...

I gatti non considereranno più il tuo giardino come una lettiera grazie a questa semplice tecnica

Cats will no longer think of your yard as a litter box thanks to this simple technique

Alessandro Russo

Cats, often perceived as charming companions, can become gods unwanted visitors in our garden. Their behavior, characterized by scratching the ...

Scienziati svedesi hanno trovato come ridurre l’impatto ambientale del riso senza compromettere il suo rendimento

Swedish scientists have found how to reduce the environmental impact of rice without compromising its yield

Alessandro Russo

Scientists Swedes have developed a new variety of rice capable of reducing its environmental impact, while increasing performance. The variety ...

In Amazzonia, le diverse specie di uccelli si estinguono progressivamente l’una dopo l’altra

In the Amazon, different bird species are becoming progressively extinct one after the other

Alessandro Russo

In Amazonia, the bird species are undergoing an alarming decline, as revealed by a study published by The Guardian. Regularly ...

Milioni di vite in pericolo con questo nuovo effetto del cambiamento climatico che preoccupa gli scienziati

Millions of lives in danger with this new effect of climate change that worries scientists

Alessandro Russo

The climate change generates unprecedented challenges, in particular a increased pollen pollution, which endangers the health of vulnerable populations, especially ...

Evaporazione senza calore: una scoperta che trasforma la nostra comprensione dell’acqua

Evaporation without heat: a discovery that transforms our understanding of water

Alessandro Russo

A recent one discovery highlights a surprising phenomenon: theevaporation of water can occur without heat, thanks exclusively to the photomolecular ...

Lo scioglimento dei ghiacci dell’Antartide aumenta il rischio di tempeste, secondo gli scienziati

Melting Antarctic ice increases the risk of storms, according to scientists

Alessandro Russo

The melting of ice in Antarctica has alarming consequences on the global climate, increasing atmospheric heat. A study of Nature ...

Questo fiore reciso che non appassisce mai è perfetto per le composizioni floreali

This cut flower that never wilts is perfect for floral arrangements

Alessandro Russo

The limonium, also known as spathice, is an exceptional cut flower that never withers, ideal for beautifying yours floral arrangements. ...

Se possiedi un cane, il rischio di contrarre questa malattia è ridotto del 40% secondo uno studio

If you own a dog, the risk of contracting this disease is reduced by 40% according to one study

Alessandro Russo

According to a study conducted by the Tokyo Metropolitan Institute of Geriatrics, owning a dog allows you to reduce the ...

Dimenticate i gerani…scoprite le tendenze del giardino per il 2025 secondo i professionisti

Forget geraniums… discover the garden trends for 2025 according to the professionals

Alessandro Russo

At the dawn of 2025, the garden becomes a real one green refuge, revealing trends marked by climate impacts and ...

Scienziati svedesi hanno scoperto come ridurre l’impatto ambientale del riso senza compromettere il suo rendimento

Swedish scientists have discovered how to reduce the environmental impact of rice without compromising its yield

Alessandro Russo

Some Swedish scientists have recently developed a revolutionary method to reduce the environmental impact of ricewhile preserving its performance. This ...

Piantate le vostre rose altrove: questi alberi potrebbero ostacolare la loro fioritura spettacolare

Plant your roses elsewhere: these trees may hinder their spectacular flowering

Alessandro Russo

To ensure flowering spectacular of your roses, it is crucial to choose their location carefully. Some trees such as sugar ...

Perché alcuni alberi non si toccano mai: il fenomeno affascinante della « timidezza delle chiome »

Why some trees never touch each other: the fascinating phenomenon of “crown shyness”

Alessandro Russo

In the fascinating world of trees, an intriguing phenomenon is revealed: the shyness of the tops. This behavior, also known ...

Posizionare le tue orchidee in questo posto durante l’inverno è la garanzia che fioriscano in primavera

Placing your orchids in this spot during the winter is a guarantee that they will bloom in the spring.

Alessandro Russo

To ensure a splendid flowering of yours orchids in spring, strategic positioning during winter is key. There brightness reduced cold ...

Evaporazione senza calore: una scoperta che trasforma la nostra comprensione dell’acqua

Evaporation without heat: a discovery that transforms our understanding of water

Alessandro Russo

A scientific revolution is affecting our understanding ofevaporation of water, thanks to a fundamental discovery by MIT. Contrary to established ...

Un oleandro in fiore per tutta l’estate: i segreti dei giardinieri per un giardino splendente

An oleander blooming all summer: gardeners’ secrets for a shining garden

Alessandro Russo

The rose laurel, an emblematic plant of the Mediterranean regions, captivates with its splendid flowering throughout the summer. To ensure ...

Bruchi processionari: come combatterli

Processionary caterpillars: how to fight them

Alessandro Russo

The processionary represents a serious threat to public health due to its stinging properties and allergenic. Their presence is manifested ...

Queste piante attirano le vespe asiatiche: liberatene per mettere in sicurezza il vostro giardino

These plants attract Asian wasps: get rid of them to make your garden safe

Alessandro Russo

THE Asian wasps represent a growing threat to the biodiversity and the human security. Attracted by plants with sweet fragrances, ...

La pianta INDESPENSABILE da piantare a casa tua da subito per allontanare efficacemente le vespe e i calabroni quest’estate

The ESSENTIAL plant to plant in your home immediately to effectively repel wasps and hornets this summer

Alessandro Russo

THE’summer invasion of wasps and hornets raises growing concerns each summer. These insects, attracted by heat and by foods, threaten ...

La neve nel tuo giardino non è un nemico: scopri i suoi sorprendenti benefici per le tue piante

Snow in your garden is not an enemy: discover its surprising benefits for your plants

Alessandro Russo

In a garden, snow is often perceived as a limitation, but in reality it plays a crucial role. Forming one ...

Perché gli scoiattoli seppelliscono le ghiande per l’inverno

Why do squirrels bury acorns for the winter

Alessandro Russo

The squirrels, true strategists of nature, bury acorns to build essential food reserves during the winter. This behavior complexes their ...

Ecco come il cambiamento climatico influisce sul sapore della birra

Here’s how climate change affects the flavor of beer

Alessandro Russo

Climate change has an impact significant on the taste of beer, questioning established practices in the brewing industry. There production ...