In Amazonia, the bird species are undergoing an alarming decline, as revealed by a study published by The Guardian. Regularly designated as the « lung of the Earth », this region is however faced with an unprecedented crisis, where habitat-rich forests see their winged inhabitants disappear. The researchers highlight the decisive role of climate crisis and rising temperatures, which compromise the survival of these essential species.
Essential information
- The birds in Amazonia I’m in decline rapid, despite a rich habitat.
- A study of The Guardian reveals the gravity of climate crisis on these species.
- The increase of temperatures affects the survival of birds, impacting the entire food chain.
- The preservation of natural refuges becomes a critical issue.
Birds in Amazon in rapid decline
The latest research highlights an alarming crisis affecting birds in Amazonia. According to a study published by The Guardian, it has become evident that these once-proliferous species are undergoing rapid decline, endangering the biodiversity of this region often designated as the « lung of the Earth ». Indeed, the Amazon is renowned for its natural richness and its unique ecosystem, but signs of deterioration are increasingly evident.
An anomaly in the forest
A worrying aspect of this crisis is the observation of the disappearance of birds in supposedly habitat-rich forests. This paradox raises questions about the real state of this biodiversity, reinforced by years of preservation. Researchers and biologists ask: How can areas known for their avian abundance show such losses?
Classical factors excluded
As part of their investigations, scientists tried to identify the causes of this phenomenon. It turns out that classical factors such as pollution and habitat loss do not appear to play a significant role in this precise situation. This led to the exclusion of these causes often indicated in other environmental contexts.
Non-responsible diseases and parasites
Furthermore, the researchers also studied the potential impact of diseases and parasites on avian populations. After careful verification, it was concluded that these elements are not the primary causes of this decline. Ornithologists are therefore faced with a mystery: what could possibly cause such a wave of extinctions?
The central role of the climate crisis
After much analysis and data collection, an irrefutable conclusion emerges: the climate crisis is identified as the main culprit. Changes in temperature and climate disturb the natural breeding times of birds, thus altering their ability to survive and reproduce. This devastating phenomenon is now recognized as a crucial factor in bird decline.
Alarming observations globally
The consequences of this crisis are not limited to Amazonia. Other regions, such as Panama and Brazil, also report alarming declines in the number of bird species. The scale of the situation questions not only ecologists, but also political and environmental leaders, drawing attention to the need for urgent action.
An impacting temperature increase
Recent research has revealed that an increase in temperatures, reaching 1°C during the dry season, leads to a decrease in bird survival by up to 63%. This disturbing statistic testifies to the direct impact that climate change can have on avian life, threatening the balance of the entire ecosystem. Insects, whose populations are also affected, play a crucial role in the food chain, exacerbating the situation.
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Threat on natural refuges
Faced with this crisis, natural refuges in Amazonia find themselves threatened. The issue of their preservation becomes critical as species continue to disappear. It is imperative to address this issue with an interventionist approach to ensure the protection of these unique habitats and, consequently, the birds that depend on them. Conservation initiatives must be strengthened to combat the effects of climate change and support biodiversity before it is too late.