Planet and environment

A new source of energy that will last for millions of years to come has been discovered in Finland

Alessandro Russo

A revolutionary discovery in Finland marks a change for the energy future. The heat geothermal will be exploited to produce ...

Questa batteria rivoluzionaria rompe tutti i record: 5.200 cicli al 100%, un grande passo avanti per l’energia del futuro

This revolutionary battery breaks all records: 5,200 cycles at 100%, a big step forward for the energy of the future

Alessandro Russo

An innovative aqueous flow organic battery redefines the standards of sustainable energy storage with an exceptional capacity of 5,200 cycles ...

L’oceano più potente del mondo in pericolo: il preoccupante scioglimento dell’Antartide potrebbe stravolgere tutto

The world’s mightiest ocean in peril: Antarctica’s worrying melting could upend everything

Alessandro Russo

Antarctica, the planet’s true refrigerator, is melting at an alarming rate, threatening the Antarctic Circumpolar Current , which is essential ...

La Cina rivoluziona l’energia con questa nuova tecnologia che promette un’elettricità inesauribile senza dipendere dal sole

China Revolutionizes Energy With This New Technology That Promises Inexhaustible Electricity Without Relying on the Sun

Alessandro Russo

China takes a leap forward in the energy sector thanks to an innovative one thermodynamic solar power plant. This revolutionary ...

Trasformare l’umidità in acqua potabile: questa tecnologia rivoluzionaria potrebbe cambiare l’accesso all’acqua nel mondo

Turning moisture into drinkable water: This revolutionary technology could change access to water around the world

Alessandro Russo

Uravu Labs is pioneering a revolution in access to clean water by turning moisture from the air into precious liquid. ...

Due studi importanti concordano: la Terra entra in una nuova fase climatica preoccupante

Two important studies agree: the Earth is entering a worrying new climate phase

Alessandro Russo

Two important studies highlight that the Earth is entering a climatic phase worrying. With a global temperature that has exceeded ...

Geologi si immergono nelle profondità del Pacifico e scoprono anomalie nelle onde sismiche

Geologists dive into the depths of the Pacific and discover anomalies in seismic waves

Alessandro Russo

Geologists have recently started one study delved into the depths of Pacific, revealing notable seismic anomalies that challenge our current ...

Scienziati svedesi hanno trovato come ridurre l’impatto ambientale del riso senza compromettere il suo rendimento

Swedish scientists have found how to reduce the environmental impact of rice without compromising its yield

Alessandro Russo

Scientists Swedes have developed a new variety of rice capable of reducing its environmental impact, while increasing performance. The variety ...

Evaporazione senza calore: una scoperta che trasforma la nostra comprensione dell’acqua

Evaporation without heat: a discovery that transforms our understanding of water

Alessandro Russo

A recent one discovery highlights a surprising phenomenon: theevaporation of water can occur without heat, thanks exclusively to the photomolecular ...

Lo scioglimento dei ghiacci dell’Antartide aumenta il rischio di tempeste, secondo gli scienziati

Melting Antarctic ice increases the risk of storms, according to scientists

Alessandro Russo

The melting of ice in Antarctica has alarming consequences on the global climate, increasing atmospheric heat. A study of Nature ...

Scienziati svedesi hanno scoperto come ridurre l’impatto ambientale del riso senza compromettere il suo rendimento

Swedish scientists have discovered how to reduce the environmental impact of rice without compromising its yield

Alessandro Russo

Some Swedish scientists have recently developed a revolutionary method to reduce the environmental impact of ricewhile preserving its performance. This ...

Evaporazione senza calore: una scoperta che trasforma la nostra comprensione dell’acqua

Evaporation without heat: a discovery that transforms our understanding of water

Alessandro Russo

A scientific revolution is affecting our understanding ofevaporation of water, thanks to a fundamental discovery by MIT. Contrary to established ...

Ecco come il cambiamento climatico influisce sul sapore della birra

Here’s how climate change affects the flavor of beer

Alessandro Russo

Climate change has an impact significant on the taste of beer, questioning established practices in the brewing industry. There production ...